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What Oils Help With Anxiety

How Essential Oils Are Used

Help Anxiety with Essential Oils:)

One theory of how aromatherapy works is that essential oils can stimulate the smell receptors in your nose, which then sends messages to your nervous system. Some also believe that essential oils can have a subtle effect on the bodys chemical and energy systems.

Because of this, aromatherapy is often used as a natural remedy to help relieve anxiety and stress. Topical applications and inhalation are some common ways that essential oils can be used for aromatherapy.

Essential oils should never be ingested, despite claims on the internet that suggest otherwise. Theres not enough research on any one essential oil to prove its safe to swallow. Each essential oil is very different, and some are toxic.

Its important to know that the Food and Drug Administration doesnt regulate essential oils, so be diligent in your practice. You should only use therapeutic-grade oils that dont contain synthetic fragrance and only purchase from a trusted source.

Best Essential Oils For Calming Anxious Feelings

The Best Essential Oils for Calming Anxious Feelings. Using pure essential oils as a natural remedy for stress relief or to help reduce anxiety can be very effective. Learn how to use essential oils, create blends and diffusing scents to create a calming atmosphere.

Essential Oils That Help With Anxiety And Depression

Do you have anxiety? If so, there are certain essential oils that are helpful for relieving anxiety.

Today Im going to tell you about 9 essential oils for anxiety.

I always recommend that you get to the root of the problem, whether it has to do with mental health issues or physical issues such as chronic illness. But until you are able to get to the root of the problem, I highly recommend natural remedies such as essential oils.

Ive put these 9 essential oils into separate groups, depending on what they are useful for.

There are other essential oils that are helpful for anxiety, but Ive narrowed down the list to these 9 essential oils.

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What Are The Benefits Of Essential Oils

In humans, essential oils provide support for every system in the body: your skeletal system, muscular system, circulatory system, endocrine system and hormones, respiratory system and immune system. They support brain health and healthy weight. They are used extensively for emotions and for spiritual support.

The oil itself acts in our body much the way it does in a plant, it provides nutrients and aides in healing. The way and process by which the essential oils are made is important, some essential oils obtained through the chemical processes are not considered true essential oils. Which is why I use Young Living because the oils are extracted in their truest form, not added to or altered.

Which Treatments Actually Work

9 Essential Oils That Help With Anxiety and Depression

One treatment method that has been trending in the world of alternative medicine is aromatherapy in the form of essential oils. There are some that have claimed that essential oils have significantly improved anxiety and other issues, while it can be hard to come by much hard scientific evidence of the effects of them.

Essential oils are said to be calming & relaxing and are known to give off wonderful natural aromas. But can they really improve anxiety like some may think they do?

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Essential Oils To Aid Sleep

Aromatherapy before bed may help you get a better nights sleep. Try diffusing essential oils into your bedroom before sleeping to help you relax and let go of the day.

Ylang ylang is thought to have strong calming effects and promote relaxation, making it effective for clearing the mind before sleep.

Diffuse Your Own Stress

When we inhale essential oils, they travel through the olfactory system into our brains, where they can affect the body in a number of waysincluding potentially regulating the nervous system response and promoting calm. You can fill any room in your home with the scent of an oil using a diffuser. Here are two more of my favorite blends to diffuse when anxiety strikes. Note that a diffuser should be used intermittently, and only for a few hours a day.

  • 3 drops rosemary essential oil
  • 2 drops lavender essential oil
  • 2 drops wild orange essential oil
  • 1 drop peppermint or spearmint essential oil

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Relieving Stress With Essential Oils Part Iii

Although stress is a natural mechanism designed to keep us prepared for challenges, most modern lifestyles add more daily stress than our bodies are made to handle. In fact, studies have shown that modern, everyday stresses, if left unchecked, can negatively impact our health! In the third part of my Relieving Stress series, Ive included some additional suggestions to help you alleviate some of the stress in your life.

A Simple Breathing Exercise To Alleviate Anxiety

Natural Way To Help Relieve Stress & Anxiety| Essential Oil Necklace| Megan Navarro

Practice this simple breathing exercise to help lower levels of anxiety.16 You can be standing, sitting or lying when completing this exercise. However, focus on relaxing your body and ensure there is no tension through your shoulders.

  • Inhale deeply through your nose and focus on this action inflating your abdomen. The rise in your chest should be minimal.
  • Exhale slowly and steadily through your mouth, keeping your jaw muscles relaxed. It may help to purse your lips slightly and create a whooshing sound with your exhale.
  • Repeat this breathing technique calmly and steadily for a few minutes.
  • If focusing on your breathing in this way is making you feel more anxious, stop. It can take practice to feel the benefits of this technique, so try to do a little at a time and build up slowly.

    Some natural supplements can also be helpful alongside these breathing techniques to relax, reduce feelings of anxiety, and improve your sleeping patterns.

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    When To See A Doctor

    Some people may find that essential oils can help promote relaxation and relieve stress.

    However, chronic anxiety can have a detrimental effect to both a persons mental and physical health. If anxiety is causing significant distress or disruption to a persons daily routine, they may wish to consider seeing a doctor.

    Symptoms of anxiety can include:

    • difficulty sleeping

    A Few Final Words About Anxiety

    Anxiety impacts people in different ways and can be triggered by different things too, both past and present experiences. Fortunately, help is available to help people understand and manage their anxiety the biggest hurdle is recognising it in the first place.

    Now that youve read this article, we hope its answered any initial queries you may have had about anxiety and that youve found it a useful starting point for dealing with anxiety. For more practical advice for dealing with anxiety, read ‘8 ways to be kind to yourself‘.

    The advice in this article is for information only and should not replace medical care. Please check with your GP or healthcare professional before trying any supplements, treatments or remedies. Food supplements must not be used as a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

    23 August 2021

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    Where Do You Apply Essential Oils For Anxiety

    You cant just apply them anywhere and everywhere, no matter how keen you might be for them to help with your anxiety or how good they smell.

    There are certain rules to applying essential oils.

    For example, oils that are okay to put on your arms and legs, may not be safe to put inside your mouth, nose, eyes or private parts.

    Lemongrass, peppermint, and cinnamon bark are prime examples.37

    You should never apply essential oils to injured or inflamed skin, as it may make your skin react and worse overall.

    Generally speaking, diluted essential oils can be safely applied to the crown of your head, behind the ears, to your neck and to your temples.38

    Calming Anxious Feelings Tips:

    7 Essential Oils To Help Ease Anxiety
    • Take one Adaptiv Calming Blend Capsule daily to combat stress, tension, and occasional anxious feelings.*
    • Add three to four drops of Adaptiv Calming Blend to a relaxing Epsom Salt bath.
    • Roll Adaptiv Touch onto wrists and temples whenever you feel the need to gain composure quickly.
    • Take one to two drops of Lavender in a glass of water to help reduce anxious feelings.*
    • Apply doTERRA Cheer® to your wrists and neck to promote feelings of optimism.
    • Put a drop of doTERRA Balance on your pillow at night to promote relaxation and help soothe worried thoughts.

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    How Can Cbd Specifically Work To Alleviate Anxiety

    When CBD is extracted from the hemp and cannabis plants, its used in the creation of CBD oils, topicals, edibles, gummies, salves, and other products. CBD can be an effective treatment in anxiety disorders because it is loaded with beneficial cannabinoids, terpenes, and phytonutrients that bind to specialized endocannabinoid receptors in the brain. Within the human body, theres an endocannabinoid system that helps bring the body back into a state of balance. When CBD is taken into the body, the cannabinoids bind with the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain to help alleviate conditions like anxiety, depression, insomnia, pain, and other issues. Theres also an entourage effect that happens with cannabinoids.

    During the entourage effect, the cannabinoids boost each others positive properties while lowering their negative ones. A study conducted in 2014 found that the antidepressant effects of cannabidiol helped to calm anxiety and depression. Moreover, another study conducted in 2015 found CBD to be a solid potential treatment for different types of anxiety disorders. Some of the disorders that CBD was effective against were generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and others.

    Damask Rose Essential Oil

    Rose essential oil is distinguished known by its floral and sweet scent. But this is only a fraction of what this essential oil can bring to your health. You should also keep in mind that Damask rose essential oil, is much more concentrated than rose oil, those two oils are not the same, therefore they also provide different amounts of healing properties.

    For example, a study uncovered that Damask rose oil, has the potential to alleviate the symptoms of anxiety and reduce cortisol levels.

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    Frankincense Essential Oil A Serene Sedative

    The aroma of Frankincense can be readily described as serene. If holds a blissful and immediately calming aroma which has a truly gentle nature to it. It is used in spiritual ceremonies throughout the world for various reasons, one of which is its energetically cleansing nature, though it also helps priests and monks to achieve a deeper level of calm with ease. This is in part due to its natural sedative effect.

    The fact that it is natural is incredibly good for you, as many pharmaceuticals brings with them certain dependency issues. When you are working with natural products, especially essential oils, those issues dissipate and your body can attain a naturally balanced way of working with ease.

    Topical Application Via Massage

    How to Use Essential Oils to Relieve Anxiety

    You can further back this up by massaging some into your chest, helping to cleanse your heart, and as such your heart chakra, on an energetic level. Though this is up to you. However a further benefit to massaging your chest is that is will help to ease your respiratory system, calming your breathing which in turn also helps you get to become calm overall more easily.

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    Essential Oils For Anxiety


    Jocelyn’s passion to help others drives her work here at FUM. Jocelyn uses her research knowledge to bring information to the FUM Family on how to improve health. She graduated with a degree in Business Management and Organizational Communication from University of Ottawa and currently lives in Calgary, Canada.

    Aromatherapy: Do Essential Oils Really Work

    Essential oils have been getting a lot of buzz recently for helping witheverything from headaches to sleep to sore throats. But do theseconcentrated plant-based oils work?

    Essential oils can make a positive impact on your health and well-being as long as you use them in a safe way.

    Want to give essential oils a try? Learn what conditions they may helptreat and how to find quality essential oils, since not all products arecreated equal.

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    Safety Concerns And Other Precautions

    Due to its growth in popularity, aromatherapy oils are more easily available than ever. Many specialty shops, health food stores, and large chain grocery stores carry a wide variety of essential oils. However, there are some potential issues with having essential oils so readily available.

    First, there is insufficient research and little scientific proof demonstrating the effectiveness of aromatherapy.

    Using aromatherapy oils to treat medical or mental health conditions has not been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration . Essential oils are also not standardized by the FDA, causing the potential for diluted oils to be sold through retailers.

    Second, it is possible to have an adverse reaction to essential oils. These strong scents may cause headaches, dizziness, and nausea. It is also possible to have an allergic reaction, which can lead to difficulty in breathing and skin irritation. Essential oils should not be ingested, as they have the potential for toxicity.

    Last, even though essential oils are easy to find, they should not be used without the guidance of a certified aromatherapist and clearance from your doctor. When discussing this option with your doctor, make certain that he or she is aware of any prescription and over-the-counter drugs you are taking. Additionally, some aromatherapy oils may not be recommended to those with certain medical conditions or for those who are pregnant or nursing.

    The Best Way To Deal With Anxiety Using Frankincense

    Top 5 Essential Oils for Stress and Anxiety

    Ensure you are using a god quality source of the oil, as the quality of it makes a world of difference. Then apply the essential oil topically as outlined above and use it as suggested in an aroma diffuser as well. To get the highest quality results combine all this with meditation and you will be able to deal with anxiety faster then you previously believed. Frankincense essential oil is very good for dealing with anxiousness when used as outlined above.

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