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How To Get Over Flight Anxiety

Arrive At The Airport Early

Use these four R’s to get over your fear of flying

When I’m anxious about a flight, I give myself extra time to check-in, get through security, and get to my gate.

According to the International Association for Medical Assistance to Travelers , planning ahead is crucial to avoiding and reducing travel anxiety.

Since I get anxious about missing my flights, I usually plan ahead by giving myself a 30-minute cushion.

I Took Dramamine Or Benadryl For Naps

I get motion sickness on planes, so I usually take a Dramamine or Benadryl before boarding anyway. And one bonus to this? They make me pretty drowsy so I end up spending most of my flight snoozing. Theres something about drowsiness that takes my anxiety away. All Im thinking about is how much I want to have a nap.

A glass of wine always helps, too.

Remember Why Youre Doing This

Something else that can help you with your fear of flying is simply regaining a sense of excitement and purpose. In a previous Medical News Today article, I cited a study from the Harvard Business School in Boston, MA, that suggested that we overcome anxiety through reappraisal .

That study explains that there are fewer degrees of separation between anxiety and excitement than between anxiety and calmness, so its much easier to trick your mind into thinking that your racing heart is caused by your enthusiasm at the thought of getting to your destination.

Additionally, reminding yourself why youre on a plane in the first place may help to boost that sense of excitement and the motivation to go through with it.

If youre heading home for the holidays, think about the joy and peace that being with your loved ones will bring. If youre taking a break from work or school, picture all the fun youll have at your destination.

Focusing on the higher purpose of your trip puts the fear into perspective, said Bricker. If you can latch onto the happy outcome and understand that only a few hours of discomfort separate you from it, that can help to minimize the fearful proportions that flying has taken on in your mind.

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What Is Flight Anxiety

Flight anxiety is a fear of flying that is so profound that it can prevent a person from traveling by air, or causes great distress to a person when air travel is necessary. People who are affected by flight anxiety find flying terrifying and will go to extremes to avoid flying, which can sometimes be career- and life-limiting. Despite the knowledge that flying is much safer than driving a car, people with flight anxiety remain fearful of flying.

Many people go to their doctors when they experience flight anxiety because they believe theyre having panic attacks. Panic attacks arent very common. They usually come on abruptly, tend to peak around 10 minutes, and feel terrifying since they seem to arise out of nowhere. Anxiety attacks, on the other hand, are much more common, and they occur as a result of being worried or fearful about something specific .

How To Manage A Fear Of Flying Following The Pandemic

How to Get Over Your Fear of Flying: 17 Tips to Overcome Aerophobia ...

Fear of flying can come with an added layer of unease following the pandemic. Not only is there the fear of being up in the sky and unable to leave the aircraft, but passengers might have a fear of germs or contracting COVID-19.

What’s important to remember is that airline companies have worked hard to implement procedures to ensure the health and safety of their passengers.

You should ensure you and your loved ones are following COVID-19 guidelines and taking your own precautions and raising any concerns you have with the staff. If you require clarification on the rules in place, contact the airline to put your mind at ease.

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Have Relaxation Remedies On Hand

We dont want to sit here and tell you to medicate heavily before a flight, but a prescription from a licensed physician for fast-acting anxiety medications can greatly reduce discomfort for anxious flyers. Keep in mind, though, that all bodies react differently to different medications, and they might not be guaranteed to help.

Another alternative to prescriptions is herbal remedies such as St. Johns Wort or Scullcap to reduce nerves. Something as simple as a sleepy-time tea could also help reduce anxiety and cause drowsiness, allowing worried flyers the opportunity to rest easy during a flight.

With all the talk about medications and herbal remedies, wed like to point out that you should probably avoid the temptation to drink alcohol or coffee during a flight. Though we tend to believe that alcohol helps our bodies to relax, it actually tends to increase anxiety levels. It also causes dehydration and headaches. Similarly, caffeine is known for spiking anxiety levels.

to learn more about how alcohol and caffeine can make your nervous states even worse.

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Learn What Turbulence Is

This is the most common fear experienced by nervous flyers. To help you overcome or diminish this fear, take the time to understand what turbulence really is. It is not dangerous and is the same as being in a car and driving over bumpy roads. Have you ever noticed that the flight attendants are not bothered by turbulence? They go about their work routine as normal and should it really be treacherous, why would they choose to do this for a living and put themselves at risk every single day?

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Bring Plenty Of Distractions

Whats your favorite activity that helps reduce your anxiety? For some people, video games and movies offer a visual distraction to pass the time. Others find comfort in quiet activities, such as books and puzzles.

Whatever your distraction is, consider bringing it along for the ride. Enjoyable distractions can help keep stave off negative thoughts and give you something positive to focus on instead.

Give Holistic Options A Shot

How To Get Over Fear Of Flying & Flight Anxiety

But before you put anything into your body, be aware of how the substances youre already consuming might affect your anxiety levels. Skip the coffee. Maybe even skip the sugary drinks and snack foods. Same goes for alcohol. If you feel frantic before the flight and you have some time at home to exercise, it doesnt hurt to do a bit of cardio or yoga. Endorphins help fix your life for a little while, IMO.

Once youve eliminated chaos from your diet, try CBD oil. It has less than .3% THC, the happy compound found in marijuana, which means youre not going to Cloud Nine on the stuff, but CBD can potentially chill you out, as well as reduce anxiety and pain.

You can also try a dash of lavender oil, chamomile tea, calming supplements , or melatonin, if youre on a red-eye or long-haul and want to be knocked out the natural way.

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Heres How To Help Your Travel Anxiety

If you have travel anxiety

  • Plan for your anxiety. Brush up on your coping skills and bring along items you know will help you stay calm. For example, you might check to be sure your favorite music is downloaded to your phone or you might tuck your favorite pillow into your suitcase so youll be sure to get some restful sleep.
  • Practice relaxation techniques before your trip, so you can use them the minute you start to feel anxious.
  • Focus on a calming image in your mind or on an object you can physically see to take your mind off your fears. Concentrating on a book or watching a movie is distracting and can keep you from stressing over the unfamiliar.
  • Use affirmations, such as I am safe, to calm your thoughts.
  • Long, slow breaths have been proven to reduce anxiety and its worth it to learn deep breathing techniques. Breathing in slowly through your nose, then exhaling gradually through your mouth helps keep you from taking the short, hurried breaths that can trigger a panic attack.
  • Learn to meditate, which has been proven to reduce stress and boost overall health. Meditation can be done in so many ways did you know that getting lost in music or even daydreaming are forms of meditation? Regular meditation practice can build long-term resilience.
  • Remind yourself of why youre traveling. Picture your life a year from now will you regret not having gone to your destination?
  • If youre scared of flying

    Wait For Your Flight In An Airport Lounge

    Most airlines have private airport lounges that are quiet, luxurious oases away from the hustle and bustle of the rest of the airport. While theyre usually reserved for club members or elite flyers, you can often purchase a day pass for about $50which may be a small price to pay for a soothing place to relax and prepare for your flight.

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    Foolproof Tricks To Beat Flight Anxiety

    Does the idea of flying cause you to break out in a cold sweat? You aren’t alone. More than 25 million Americans suffer from some form of flight anxiety, making aerophobia the second biggest fear in the US after public speaking. If you do fall in this category, you’ve probably had friends and family remind you numerous times that flying is the safest mode of transportation. While that’s very true your chances of dying in a plane crash are about one in 10 million compared with a one-in-272 chance of dying in a car crash that’s not always enough to quell the jitters. And advice like showing up early at the airport to eliminate unnecessary stress is practical as well, but for the most nervous nellies among us, it takes a little bit more to get us up in the air.

    We turned to the experts Todd Farchione, Ph.D., of Boston University’s Center for Anxiety & Related Disorders, Martin N. Seif, Ph.D., ABPP, of the Anxiety & Phobia Treatment Center, and Captain Steve Allright of British Airways’ Flying With Confidence program to find out exactly what to do to help alleviate flight anxiety. Thanks to their advice, we put together a 10-step guide to help you conquer your fear because nothing should stand between you and the vacation you deserve.

    Find A Distraction That Works

    Overcome Fear of Flying with practical, powerful methods.

    Some people can get lost in a good movie or podcast, which could distract them from the fact that they’re flying, but it’s not that simple for everyone. “One trick I’ve learned is to focus on the opposite side of my brain,” says travel blogger Nicole Ratner. “So, for instance, I am left-handed, and when any turbulence begins, I will take out a piece of paper and use my opposite hand to write my name over and over again. It helps keep my brain sharp and focused on what’s in front of me to distract me from the fear.”

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    Get Educated On The Facts Of Air Travel

    The more you know, the better off you are, right? For instance, when you hear the landing gear go down on a plane you know that the pilot is simply getting your aircraft ready to land. But, what if you didnt know it was landing gear? What if you simply heard the noise as you feel the plane descending?

    This could be something that would increase your fear and anxiety, causing you a lot of discomforts.

    Educate yourself on the sounds and feelings you will encounter while traveling in the air so you can let your guard down. Reminding yourself of the facts of air travel such as the most dangerous part of it was your drive to the airport can help calm you as well.

    Pay Attention To The Safety Presentation Even If You’ve Flown Before

    As a kid, my family made fun of me for how avidly I paid attention to and followed along with the flight safety demonstration every single time we flew but I stand by it.

    At 23, I’ve flown more than 100 times in my life, and I still always follow along with the safety pamphlet in the seat pocket in front of me. It helps me manage anxiety to remind myself that there’s an emergency plan and I am in on it.

    Healthline backs this, stating that preparing for the “what ifs” can help relieve travel anxiety.

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    Benefits Of Box Breathing For Flight Anxiety

    Box breathing, also know know as Sama Vritti Pranayama, is a powerful relaxation tool that can help clear your mind, relax your body and allow you to focus, Bell explains.

    Physiologically, box breathing regulates the breath, increases oxygen to the lungs and help reduce blood pressure and lower heart rate. Psychologically it brings attention to the breath, and the repetition takes your attention away from your fear of flying.

    Box breathing also stimulates the vagus nerve, which is the main parasympathetic nerve in the body and longest of the ten nerves that come from the brain. We also call it the wondering nerve, as it spreads far and long, Bell adds.

    Plan For Certain Scenarios


    Pre-travel anxiety most often stems from the what if aspect of traveling. While no one can plan for every possible worst-case scenario, its possible to have a battle plan for some of the more common ones, such as:

    • What if I run out of money? I can always contact a relative or friend. I can bring a credit card for emergencies.
    • What if I get lost? I can keep a paper map or guide book and my phone with me.
    • What if I get sick while on the trip? I can purchase travel health insurance before I leave or be sure my insurance will cover me. Most insurance policies include access to a list of healthcare providers in different areas of the country or the world.

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    Why Might Someone Develop A Fear Of Flying

    Fear of flying could stem from having an anxious parent, whom someone has seen have panic attacks during flights. Flying can be a nerve-racking experience if someone has been involved in a traumatic incident, whether this is bad turbulence or a crash.

    Yuko Nippoda, psychotherapist and spokesperson for the UK Council for Psychotherapy , explains how a fear of flying often stems from a lack of control.

    “If you are on a train and you need to get off, you can do so at the next stop. If you’re in a car, you can get out almost anywhere. But once you get on an aeroplane, you cannot leave. This sense of losing all authority over your actions can be very frightening,” he says.

    Nippoda adds that people are used to feeling their feet on solid ground. Therefore, the idea of floating in the sky can lead to imagining worst-case scenarios.

    “If catastrophic situations, such as engine failure, bad turbulence or a hijacking occur, the plane could crash. This fear of death can cause major flight anxiety, even if someone knows deep down those things are extremely unlikely. Their mind can go into overdrive.”

    What Are The Symptoms Of Aerophobia

    If you have aerophobia, you might avoid flying at all costs. This could mean missing family vacations or refusing to travel for work. You might insist on other modes of transportation, such as cars, buses or trains even if theyre less convenient than flying. If you have aerophobia, you might also avoid movies, books or news stories that relate to air travel. Or you may become obsessed with learning about security measures at airports and on planes.

    Its also possible for people with aerophobia to have panic attacks before or during a flight. Symptoms may include:

    • Upset stomach or indigestion .

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    I Check The Fear Of Flying Subreddit

    I spend a lot of time on Reddit, so of course, I had to join r/fearofflying.

    This subreddit is a community of terrified passengers and knowledgeable pilots and its an absolute goldmine of information. The pilots that give up their time to write thousand-word responses to nervous fliers, explaining exactly how planes work and why they shouldnt be afraid, are truly some of the most wonderful humans. And so its a great place to spend some time reading through the posts.

    But you know what helps me the most when visiting this subreddit?

    The fact that nobody who has ever posted there has been in a plane crash. There are dozens upon dozens of posts a month from people who are convinced that getting on a plane is going to result in disaster. And it never. ever. happens.

    Every single post is about how theyre terrified and theyre convinced something terrible is going to happen and what are the chances of x, y, and z. And then theres always a reply a day later from the original poster talking about how they made it to their destination with no worries.

    It helps me so much to see people feeling the exact same way that I do and every single one of them ending up perfectly fine.

    Familiarize Yourself With Airplane Noises

    Fear of Flying â How to overcome aerophobia â Rotor Nation

    You’re about to land and the plane is rattling like both of its wheels are about to fall off is it time to panic? No, the carry-on luggage and the seat-back tables are shifting slightly just like they do every time the plane takes off and lands. Sometimes all it takes to combat anxiety is a little information. Read up on the typical bumps and noises that may occur during a flight. It also helps to understand just how rigorous safety measures are for aircraft. For example, aircraft must be able to support one-and-a-half times the maximum load it would ever carry and weathering environmental extremes such as 120-degree temperatures. “Our anxiety is fed by ‘what if?’ catastrophic thoughts. Once you become knowledgeable, your ‘what if’ thoughts will be limited by the facts,” said Seif.

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