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How To Calm Anxiety At Work

Tips For Coping With Anxiety In Work Meetings

5 Easy Tips To Stay Calm At Work

Anxiety in meetings at work can be a problem for those with social anxiety disorder . Perhaps you have missed out on promotion opportunities because you didn’t speak up in meetings like your colleagues. Or maybe you have avoided promotions completely because they would mean that you would have to attend more meetings.

There are a number of coping strategies that you can use to help alleviate social anxiety in meetings at work. These are most useful if your anxiety is not severe or you are already in treatment for SAD.

Chat With A Therapist

It can be really helpful to talk with mental health provider if youre struggling with anxiety.

It may even be helpful to write down a list of your symptoms to give to your therapist or doctor. This can be an easier way to get across what youre going through without becoming overwhelmed and forgetting everything.

Speaking about your work anxiety with a medical professional can also help you determine if an anxiety disorder is the root cause of your anxiety at work.

Listen To Good Music During Your Commute

Music can be really healing, especially when you’re dealing with pervasive worry and anxiety. Whether you drive, bike, walk or ride to work, make sure you have music that makes you feel understood and empowered to pep yourself out before you clock-in.

Much like taking a look at yourself in the mirror to ground yourself during bouts of anxiety, I’ve found listening to songs that remind me of who I am to be a great way to ground myself when I’m feeling fearful.

Also Check: How To Beat Fear And Anxiety

Be Clear On Your New Role

Dr. Laura Louis, Licensed Psychologist, Atlanta Couple Therapy, suggests: Some things that can be helpful in reducing your anxiety and stress are to:

  • Get clarity from your supervisor ,
  • Be gentle with yourself , and
  • Plan out an action plan of how youre going to get organized in your job so that you know what you have to do and have the right tools to get things done.

Try A Grounding Exercise

Balancing life, work, and family can be stressful. Find ...

A grounding exercise is something people with anxiety use to bring themselves back to reality, which is entirely helpful when dealing with panic. And since it doesn’t have to involve getting up, “it is the best tool at your desk,” Martinez says. To start, try looking at a picture and noting each individual color, digging your heels into the floor and noticing the sensation, or listening to a soothing song. “All three will pull you out of the moment and have an immediate impact on your anxiety level,” says Martinez.

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What You Feel Is Real

When I had my first anxiety attack at work, I waited until I got physically ill to ask to go home. I guess, to me, it didnt feel like mental symptoms were as palpable, significant, or real as physical ones. Only physical symptoms could validate my troubles and make me feel less guilty and embarrassed about admitting that I needed some form of help.

Thinking that mental health problems are, in some way, not as real as physical ones is not uncommon. This year, millions of Internet users have asked Google if mental illness is real, and the Internet abounds with public awareness campaigns from the government and non-profit organizations answering with a resounding Yes!

Anxiety disorders are real, serious medical conditions just as real and serious as physical disorders such as heart disease or diabetes, write the ADAA.

Not only that, but Anxiety disorders are the most common and pervasive mental disorders in the United States. In fact, the National Institutes of Health report that as many as 1 in 5 Americans are affected by anxiety disorders.

When I had my anxiety attack, my main worry was that my employer would think I was trying to skive my duties. If you feel the same, the good news is youre not alone. In fact, a recent survey on workplace stress and anxiety reports that 38 percent of those with an anxiety disorder do not tell their employers because they fear that their boss would interpret it as lack of interest of unwillingness to do the activity.

How To Calm Anxiety At Work

JasaHow to Calm Anxiety at Work – Having an anxiety disorder can have a major impact on the workplace. People may turn down a promotion or other opportunity because it involves anxiety-producing behaviors such as traveling or speakin

Having an anxiety disorder can have a major impact on the workplace. People may turn down a promotion or other opportunity because it involves anxiety-producing behaviors such as traveling or speaking in public making excuses to leave office parties, staff lunches, and other events or meetings with coworkers or being unable to meet deadlines. Does work create anxiety? In this psychology article we tell you how to overcome anxiety at work.

Recommended Reading: What Do You Take For Anxiety

Focus On The Positive

If youre under a lot of stress at work, youll end up focusing on what you didnt achieve rather than on the positive. However, if you take a few minutes at the end of the day to focus on the positive, youll instantly feel at peace and youll also have a better attitude to tackle your day with a fresh pair of eyes the following morning.

An Overview Of Work Anxiety

How To Deal With Anxiety At Work

Based on a survey from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America, while only 9% of individuals are living with a diagnosed anxiety disorder, 40% experience ongoing stress or anxiety in their daily lives. Work anxiety refers to stress caused by work that leads to anxiety, or the impact of an anxiety disorder at work.

Either way, work anxiety can have negative effects. Likewise, it must be addressed to prevent poor outcomes both for employees and organizations.

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Ways How To Calm Anxiety At Work Discreetly

Having anxiety can still unfortunately be a stigma at work. We dont want to be labelled. We dont want to be a topic of discussion near the coffee machines.

We definitely dont want pity.

But instead of negative distractions, there are few positive things you can do to calm anxiety at work without anyone noticing. There will be situations that will trigger it, such as conflict, being excluded, feeling overwhelmed with all the tasks, having to do a presentation, bad feedback from boss or rejection.

Next time when you notice youre starting to tear up and its hard to breathe, try these 6 simple things that Ive used to calm myself down:

1. Get up and go for a walk

Movementis the best way to stop your thoughts. Get up, grab a paper and pen and go fora walk, preferably outside if you can. If not, walk to the kitchen or toilets.

But doesnt it look weird if I leave right in the middle of meeting or review?

Itdoesnt have to: you can for example press the start button on your phone sothe screen lights up, say that you absolutely must take it and leave the roomfaking a phone call.

Isnt that unethical? No.

Whenyoure in a high state of anxiety, staying in the situation does more harm thangood to your workmates and yourself. Theres nothing positive that you can sayor do when your lizard brain takes over, fighting for your survival. You can yell,cry or say something hurtful youll regret.

2. Put on a calming, short meditation on Spotify, YouTube or Headspace

3. Breathe slowly

Talk To A Friend & Ask For Encouragement

Dr. Ericka, Board Certified Psychiatrist, Goodwin Wellness says, Doubt is a huge source of anxiety. Remind yourself that you can do the job by thinking about all of your qualifications. If its hard to give yourself positive feedback, call a close friend or relative, and have them tell you all of the great things about you and how you are more than qualified for the job.

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Have A Centering Object

When youre anxious or angry, so much of your energy is being spent on irrational thoughts. When youre calm, find a centering object such as a small stuffed animal, a polished rock you keep in your pocket, or a locket you wear around your neck.

Tell yourself that youre going to touch this object when youre experiencing anxiety or frustration. This centers you and helps calm your thoughts. For example, if youre at work and your boss is making you anxious, gently rub the locket around your neck.

Building A Support System

11 Ways to Calm Yourself Fast When You

The final step in leading through anxiety is making sure you have ongoing support. This means not only surrounding yourself with the right people but also developing routines that help you deal with bouts of anxiety and lay the groundwork for maintaining your mental health.

Schedule, structure, and scenario plan

When you have anxiety, you need to be intentional about what your days look like, as I discussed earlier. The methods are basic: making lists, prioritizing, and breaking work into manageable chunks. Chop tasks that make you extremely anxious into bearable pieces. I learned this trick from my own psychiatrist, Carol Birnbaum.

Also use the detective work you did about your triggers to prepare for situations or events you know will cause you anxiety. If public speaking stresses you out, make sure you leave plenty of time to rehearse presentations. If youre afraid of flying, mentally rehearse a business trip from Im going to pack to Im going to order a cab and call my friend while Im on my way to the airport to Ill buy M& Ms when I get there because they make me happy. And finally, once on the plane: Im going to take a Xanax, do a calming meditation, and survive.

Know who your safe team is
Practice self-care

Don’t Miss: How To Fix An Anxiety Disorder

How To Deal With Anxiety At Work

Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital.

Not everyone is able to effectively manage and cope with their anxiety at work. Many people struggle with excessive worry about a variety of everyday problems related to work or their personal lives while trying to get their job done.

This type of anxiety typically disproportionate to the situation and can be debilitating. It often also results in physical symptoms like fatigue and muscle tension that can cause problems in your professional and personal life.

This article will offer tips to help you learn how to deal with workplace anxiety and discuss the common causes and symptoms.

Resist The Urge To Vent

Your colleague is driving you up a wall.

Whats one of the first things you want to do in attempts to offload some of that stress?

If youre like most people, youll pull one of your trusted team members aside and debrief him of the situation. Youll vent about all of your complaints and frustrations, with the assumption that getting all of those thoughts out there will help you feel better.

But, take a minute to think about what happens to you physiologically when you fill your co-worker in.

As you relive that situation, your heart starts racing, you get short of breath, your face gets flushedand, before you know it, youre even more worked up than when you started.

One study published by the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology concludes that verbalizing your anger doesnt lessen your angerin fact, it only makes it worse.

First, complaining simply keeps negative events in our minds for longer. Its hard to forget about an annoyance while youre bitching about it,

-says Jessica Stillman in her article for Inc. that reported on the study.

Second, bad energy is catching. You can complain to the wrong person, dragging an innocent into a negative situation or sparking office drama,

she adds.

But even if you direct your venting at fellow sufferers, theyre likely to feel worse too after hearing your moaning,

-she continues,-

As tempting as venting might be, remember that it doesnt actually accomplish anything good for you or the people you work with.

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Try Some Aerobic Activity

During periods of anxiety, your body is filled with adrenaline. Putting that adrenaline toward aerobic activity can be a great way to improve your anxiety. Exercise has numerous advantages for controlling your anxiety symptoms:

  • Exercise burns away stress hormones that create anxiety symptoms.
  • Exercise tires your muscles, reducing excess energy and tension.
  • Exercise releases endorphins in your brain which can improve overall mood.
  • Exercise is linked to healthier breathing.
  • Exercise is a healthy distraction.

Aerobic activity, like light jogging or even fast walking, can be extremely effective at reducing the severity of your anxiety symptoms, as well as the anxiety itself.

Why Do You Get Anxiety At Night

Calm, focus and flourish with mindfulness: manage stress at work

When you lie down at night to unwind, your brain turns to all of the worries it didnt have time for during the day. Frequently, this anxiety revolves around worries you cant solve in the moment.

All the things that have been put on the back burner come to the forefront of your head, Dr. Albers says. Without competing demands for your attention, these worries often get louder and more pronounced.

Chronic daytime stress puts your body into overdrive and taxes your hormones and adrenal system, which are directly linked to sleep so sleep troubles may be a red flag telling you to address stress during your waking hours.

Nighttime anxiety can trigger a vicious cycle: A bad nights sleep leads to exhaustion the next day and disrupts your bodys natural rhythms. This makes you more vulnerable to anxiety during the day that can bleed into the night, Dr. Albers says. And so the cycle repeats.

Recommended Reading: How Do Know If You Have Anxiety

Amanda Smith Director Of Medical Student Support & Wellness

Remember that a sense of adjustment will take time just as it did with the initial experience of quarantine. Smith

Q: What may be some reasons for the return-to-school anxiety among students and how might the students address this anxiety?

A: Anxiety is fear of the future and the unknown. It is often a feeling of worry and nervousness about events and outcomes that feel uncertain. We have been living through very uncertain times therefore, it is completely normal to feel anxious about yet another change: returning to campus. Many are beginning to feel anticipatory anxiety, which arises when we begin to think about what may or could happen and is usually tied to the most negative outcome we can think of. Remember that a sense of adjustment will take time just as it did with the initial experience of quarantine. Remember that people will need to adjust according to their own needs. When feelings of anxiety begin to arise, consider:

Remember to take it one step at a time. Having boundaries and awareness of what can help you ease back in is an excellent place to start. Remember also that all thoughts are not facts.

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