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HomeExclusiveWhen Is The Best Time To Take Magnesium For Anxiety

When Is The Best Time To Take Magnesium For Anxiety

How Does Magnesium Make You Tired

Best Magnesium Supplement for Sleep / Anxiety / Stress / Muscle Recovery Etc.

Insomnia is one of the well-known effects of magnesium deficiency. This means that a magnesium supplement can reverse insomnia and support deep, restorative sleep each night. But why does magnesium help make you tired?

Magnesium activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the system responsible for stimulating feelings of calm and relaxation. Taking the best magnesium supplement for sleep will help you feel tired in the following ways:

  • Magnesium regulates the neurotransmitters that send signals between the brain and nervous system.
  • Magnesium regulates levels of melatonin, the hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycles.
  • Magnesium binds to and increases gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors. GABA calms nerve activity to support sleep, so in turn magnesium makes you tired.

Recent Research Confirms The Benefit Of Magnesium For Depression And Anxiety

Does magnesium help with depression and anxiety? From the available evidence, it appears that magnesium supplementation is well-tolerated and enhances the efficacy of conventional antidepressant treatments.

According to a 2016 review published in the journal Magnesium Research looking into magnesium and depression:

The mood-improving potential of magnesium compounds have been confirmed by the results of numerous pre-clinical and clinical studies .

A 2017 systematic review examining the effect of magnesium supplementation on subjective anxiety and stress concluded that:

Existing evidence is suggestive of a beneficial effect of Mg on subjective anxiety in anxiety vulnerable samples .

An even more recent systematic review of the role of magnesium in mental disorders was published in June 2020 in the journal Nutrients. These researchers concluded that from the available evidence, it emerged that supplementation with magnesium could be beneficial . They also recommended more studies to evaluate the efficacy of magnesium alone and in combination with other drugs in order to establish correct use.

Is Magnesium The Key

Magnesium doesnt just help with anxiety or depression or overall health. It also plays a major role in brain function.

Magnesium is especially important in regulating sleep, mood, and memory. As long as you dont have extreme stress, it takes time to get the benefits of magnesium. However, what about magnesium deficiency? Magnesium deficiency can make anxiety and depression worse because it can cause problems with brain chemistry.

In order to understand if magnesium is the key, we need to look at a few studies that investigate the correlation between low magnesium levels and depression:

  • First, we will look at a study that investigated the relationship between magnesium levels and impulsive behavior. This study was conducted with over 2,000 men and women from the general population in Peru. This study found that there was a positive correlation between magnesium levels and impulsive behavior.
  • After looking at this study we decided to look at another study on the correlation between magnesium and depression.
  • The second study was conducted by researchers from the International Foundation for Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders in Italy. This study looked at 4,529 people during a 5-year period. The results of this second study showed that low serum magnesium levels were associated with an increased likelihood of developing depressive symptoms over time.

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There Are Many Forms Of Magnesium And Some Of Them Possesses A Very Por Absorption Rate

You want to avoid
  • Magnesium aspatrate
  • Magnesium sulfate

Magnesium L-Threonate, on the other hand, is easily absorbed but whats even more impressive is that it has the unique ability to cross the blood brain barrier, like I just mentioned

this makes choosing Threonate an excellent choise when it comes to brain benefits, such as stress, anxiety, panic attacks or depression.

Can Magnesium Help Manage Stress & Anxiousness Here’s Where The Science Stands

Best Magnesium Supplements for Anxiety

If you’re one of the nearly 40 million Americans who struggle with stress and anxiousness, you know how debilitating it can be. And while there are tons of wonderful stress management tools out there, sometimes a little bit of extra support is needed. That’s where magnesium supplementation could come in.*

Magnesium is a mineral that plays a role in over 300 biochemical reactions in the body. It regulates processes ranging from blood pressure and energy production to muscle relaxation and blood sugar balancejust to name a few. We already know that taking a magnesium supplement can promote better, deeper sleep, and emerging research is finding that it could be helpful for easing stress and anxiousness too.*

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Magnesium Citrate To Battle Constipation And Stress

Magnesium citrate is a magnesium product combined with citric acid. This type of supplement offers two major benefits: it treats constipation and enhances relaxation.

Magnesium citrate creates a gentle laxative effect to prevent or treat constipation and improve healthy digestion. It does this by drawing water into the intestines. The water combines with dry stool to make it easier to pass. Its important to drink extra water to prevent dehydration when using magnesium citrate for constipation.

Magnesium citrate is also available in supplement form to support stress relief and relation. Some forms of this supplement are even available in powder form to add into your water for gentle and gradual calming.

Just make sure not to use too much magnesium side effects include stomach cramps, intestinal gas, nausea, and imbalanced electrolytes in the blood.

Is It Better To Take Magnesium At Night

The best time of day to take magnesium depends on you and your lifestyle. If you maintain a regular schedule where most of your activity occurs during the day and you sleep during the night hours, then yes, it is better to take magnesium at night.

However, if you are a shift worker, hospital employee, or other person who may work overnight, you should make the proper adjustments to suit your schedule.

There is also indication that it may be beneficial to take certain vitaminsat night. Although additional research is needed,

studies have shown that vitamin E can help improve sleep quality, vitamin B may help our bodies produce natural melatonin, and vitamin D can help us sleep more soundly.

Taking these vitamins, along with magnesium, with your evening meal may give you the best benefit from the combination of these important nutrients.

Not only does magnesium help to improve your mood, it also helps to decrease your level of anxiety.

Studies even suggest that older adults who take at least 500 mg of magnesium per day reduce their incidence of insomnia by increasing their total sleep time as well as the amount of time it takes to fall asleep.

This health benefit of magnesium can prove to be life-changing. Therefore, taking magnesium at night can lead to a wide variety of health benefits.

So, it is recommended to take magnesium with your last meal of the day. This will give you the optimal balance to take magnesium before your bedtime not on an empty stomach.

Recommended Reading: How Do I Know If I Have Anxiety Issues

Introducing Organixx Magnesium 7

If you and your doctor have determined that magnesium supplementation is appropriate for you, you might consider a highly bioavailable source of magnesium such as new Magnesium 7 from Organixx.

Magnesium 7 is a premium, broad-spectrum magnesium supplement that includes equal amounts of seven of the best organic types of magnesium. In each 2-capsule serving of Magnesium 7, you get 500 mg of the highest-quality elemental magnesium in chelated forms for optimal bioavailability.

How To Deal With Anxiety

What is the best magnesium supplement to take?

What is the key to dealing with anxiety? Answer: reduce your stress levels.

Now I know what you’re thinking: “Duh! Stress causes anxiety so I should reduce my stress. That doesn’t help at all. If I could reduce my stress don’t you think I wouldn’t have anxiety in the first place??”

Well, yes and no.

I strongly believe that we do have some control over the stressors in our life, and that there are things we can do to either remove them from our lives entirely or at least mitigate their affect on our well-being.

In short, you have more control over your stress than you may think.

Keep reading: I do address magnesium for anxiety but I want to set the stage first.

However,if you would rather see which magnesium helped my anxiety the most, .

Find Your Key Stressors

So what can you do? First you need to sit down and figure out what stresses you the most.

I’m a big fan of the 80/20 principle, which says that roughly 80% of an effect is the result of 20% of the causes.

In other words, if you have 10 stressors in your life, 80% of your anxiety is the result of only 2 of your stressors .

So make a list of your stressors and order them from top to bottom by how much stress they cause you, and according to the 80/20 principle the top 2 or 3 will be causing most of your anxiety.

This means you only need to focus on a couple stressors to see real results.

Once you know where to start, the second step is to work on reducing their affect on your life.

Eliminate What You Can

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Magnesium Deposits And Stress

Several studies have also looked how stress levels affect magnesium. They found that during periods of extreme stress, magnesium is often used up by the body.

That means that not only is a significant portion of the country magnesium deficient, potentially leading to anxiety – there may also be a high number of people that use up their magnesium reserves as a result of their anxiety, thus contributing to more anxiety and more stress.

How Does Magnesium Improve Sleep

Many people with a magnesium deficiency suffer from insomnia. Women especially are prone to low levels of magnesium.Several studiesVerified SourceNational Library of Medicine Worlds largest medical library, making biomedical data and information more accessible.View sourcehave shown that increasing your magnesium intake improves your sleep performance.

Magnesium effectivelyreduced insomnia among elderly adults,Verified SourceNational Library of Medicine Worlds largest medical library, making biomedical data and information more accessible.View sourceaccording to an Iranian study in 2012. The study reported that nearly 50 percent of older adults suffer from insomnia.

When study participants added magnesium supplements to their diets, they experienced longer sleep times, fewer early morning wakings, and better sleep efficiency .

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Doctors Best High Absorption Magnesium

This magnesium supplement from Doctors Best does not only feature chelated magnesium, it is specifically formulated with a patented technology to ensure maximum bioavailability. It is also vegan, gluten-free, and contains no GMO. And it is reported to be effective in other biochemical processes, such as the regulation of heartbeat and support of bone density.


  • Features a formulation that is easy to digest
  • Non-buffered, which means that it is not cut with cheap magnesium oxide
  • Provides good value for its quality


  • More expensive than other products of its kind
  • Contains large tablets, which can be difficult to swallow

What Are The Other Health Benefits Of Magnesium

Best Time to take a MAGNESIUM Supplement (2021)

Magnesium can also help the body’s dopamine levels rise, which can improve your mood, says Dr. Winter. And if migraines are keeping you up, well, it can help alleviate those too, according to the American Migraine Foundation.

Overall, magnesium can have a calming effect on the body. It can help to relax muscles, and because it can increase the function of the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, that adds to its ability to help reduce anxiety, says Nicole Avena, PhD, assistant professor of neuroscience at Mount Sinai School of Medicine and visiting professor of health psychology at Princeton University. Magnesium has the potential to improve anxiety symptoms in anxiety-prone people, as well as PMS-related anxiety in women, according to 2017 research published in the journal Nutrients.

The link between magnesiums effect on GABA is also related to depression, Avena adds. Chronically low levels of GABA have been shown to be a factor in depression, so taking a magnesium supplement can boost GABA, which could help to reduce depression in some cases, she explains. Another 2017 study of 126 people with symptoms of depression suggested magnesium was an effective supplement for treating mild-to-moderate depression. Sixty-one percent of study participants also reported that they’d continue using magnesium for depression symptoms in the future.

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Magnesium Deficiency And Anxiety

According to reports, it is estimated that up to 80 percent of Americans are deficient in magnesium. What makes this concerning is that lacking in the mineral can hardly be assessed through a blood test, as only about a percent of the mineral is distributed in the blood.

Additional research also says that only around 25 percent of Americans are getting the recommended amounts of magnesium in their diets. These are 310 to 320mg for women and 400 to 420mg for men.

This deficiency has been linked to the persistence of some symptoms of anxiety, as well as other affective mood disorders. In addition, it can trigger a host of other medical conditions, including:

  • Blood clots
  • Osteoporosis

Q: Can I Overdose On Magnesium Can Magnesium Be Harmful

A: Healthy people can get rid of any excess magnesium via their urine. Its difficult to exceed the tolerable upper limit when getting magnesium from food and beverage sources. However, you should be careful when taking magnesium in medicine or supplement form. If you have any health conditions, talk to your doctor before taking a magnesium supplement.

Also Check: What Type Of Magnesium For Anxiety

What Are The Symptoms Of Magnesium Dificiency

One of the biggest consequences of an even mild deficiency in magnesium is mental health disorders. This includes anxiety and depression which may manifest as any number of the following symptoms:

  • Frequent anxiety or panic attacks
  • Dizziness or brain fog
  • Experiencing insomnia
  • Unable to focus or concentrate

I took SSRIs for the better part of a year and while I wasnt in a constant state of panic, I certainly wasnt jumping for joy either.

In fact, my emotions were kinda just numb, dumbed down so I wasnt the extremely emotional being I usually am, essentially I just wasnt really myself anymore.

You can hear all about my experience during that time of my life here:

This is a tricky topic, because I know that if you are seriously struggling and suffering from suicidal thoughts then prescription medications may be the best immediate option for you.

Trust when I say, in no way am I judging anyone for this decision.

I also dont believe you need to be on them forever.

Now youre probably wondering how a mineral can be compared to prescription medication, so lets talk a little more about my superstar supplement.

Signs & Symptoms Of Depression

This Is The BEST Magnesium For Sleep (And Which Ones To Avoid)

Depression isnt just feeling sad all the time. The core symptoms of depression include:

  • lack of energy
  • increased or decreased appetite
  • weight and sleep disturbances

On the emotional side, symptoms may include:

  • easy agitation
  • unfounded guilt
  • suicidal thoughts

Since the human brain is fueled by magnesium, it makes sense that a lack of it could lead to mood swings, brain fog, and over time much more severe health problems if the deficiency persists .

Science has pegged the lack of magnesium as one of the major contributors to widespread mental illness and other health problems .

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