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How To Relax Throat Muscles Anxiety

Get Your Voice Out Of Your Throat

How to Sing Without Straining Your Throat (Exercises to Relax Throat Muscles)

People with social anxiety disorder may have tense throat and jaw muscles. Learning how to relax these muscles will make it easier to speak with a pleasant-sounding voice, rather than one that sounds constricted. It is easier to project your voice when you move it forward out of your throat.

Practice the following exercises recommended by Toastmasters several times a day for a few minutes each time:

  • Yawn and drop your jaw as far as it will go. Hum with your lips closed and your jaw loose.
  • With a relaxed throat, repeat words such as “hang, harm, lane, main, lone, loom.”
  • Massage your throat muscles to get rid of tightness.
  • Repeat sounds such as “nah, nay, nee, no, noo.” Again, drop your jaw and relax your throat.
  • As you practice these exercises, note how tense your throat and jaw feel at the beginning and how they gradually relax.

    You can also practice throat relaxation by counting while keeping your throat and jaw relaxed. Do this while lying on the floor, then while sitting, and finally while standing. Your goal should be to eventually count to 100 with all muscles relaxed and taking a new breath after every 5 minutes.

    How Is The Diagnosis Of Mtd Made

    1. Patient History: A history of how the voice problem started and an evaluation of voice and speaking behaviors are important steps in the diagnosis of primary MTD.

    2. Speech-Language Pathology Evaluation

    • Examination by a speech-language pathologist is very important in the diagnosis of muscle tension dysphonia.
    • Improvement in voice through trial voice therapy techniques is key to determining that the vocal disorder is due to a muscular imbalance.
    • Acoustic and aerodynamic measurements are also valuable assessment tools to determine normal voice and breathing behaviors.

    3. Laryngoscopy and Stroboscopy

    • Careful examination of the vocal folds is essential for making the diagnosis of primary MTD. It is a diagnosis of exclusion therefore, careful examination of the vocal folds is necessary to rule out anatomical abnormalities.
    • Flexible laryngoscopy allows the clinicians to observe some muscular patterns during speaking.
    • Stroboscopy allows the examiner to assess the mucosal wave as a marker for vocal fold vibration.

    4. Investigation for Other Associated Abnormalities

    • The diagnostic process should also focus on looking for important associated factors, such as:
    • Reflux

    How To Control Your Speaking Voice

    While your voice is partly influenced by the size of your vocal cords, it is possible to improve various aspects of your voice to create a positive impression when you speak.

    In short, your goal should be to develop the best possible version of your own voice, one that is:

    • Clear and articulated
    • True to your personality
    • Warm

    If your self-esteem is so low that you don’t think you even deserve to have that big, full, rich voice, think of it this way. Developing your best voice is actually helpful to others as it makes it easier for them to converse with you.

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    How To Relax Throat Muscles Anxiety

    September 9, 2021 by Lewis Johnson

    The majority of the people in the world face tightness in their throat any time they are anxious about one thing. Tightness in the throat due to anxiety can make a person feel like they might have a lump at the back of their throat or are getting choked.

    Sometimes no matter how much we try to calm down, the lump does not leave, and we will still be feeling anxious. Looking for how to relax throat muscles anxiety?

    We can learn some tips and techniques to relax the anxiety or lump in our throat and muscles. However, when we are anxious, there are many more problems that we are faced with.

    Anxiety can make you feel tensed, can make you feel nauseous, can make you start sweating profusely. Anxiety can make your hand start to shake uncontrollably, and so on.

    These are the few problems anxiety can cause in our body, but one of the most frightening and famous is when you feel like you have a huge lump stuck in your throat or felt your throat tightening, this can make you feel terrified.

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    Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Cricopharyngeal Spasm

    How to Relax Throat Muscles When You Have Anxiety  Health ...

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    Get rid of vocal strain with these 3 exercises for singers. Applying a warm compress or heating pad to the affected muscle to help relax rigid muscles.

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    Throat tightness when singing and speaking vocal. Based on your doctors recommendation, anxiety can be treated with psychotherapy, medication, or a combination of both.

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    Tight Throat Feeling Anxiety Symptom Description:

    This feeling is often described as:

    • Feeling like your throat muscles are tight.
    • Feeling like you have a tight band around your throat.
    • Feeling like you have a lump or tightness in your throat.
    • Constant lump in the throat feeling.
    • A tight throat feeling that comes and goes.
    • Anxiety throat tension and tenderness.
    • Throat pressure.
    • A tightness in the throat thyroid area.
    • Feels like there is something tied around the throat.
    • Globus Hystericus.
    • Globus anxiety.
    • Feel there is something blocking the throat or airway.

    You feel you have a tightness or tension in the throat area even though there isnt a real reason for it. Sometimes this tension and pressure causes you to feel you have to swallow frequently in an attempt to clear or loosen your throat.

    This tight throat feeling can occur rarely, frequently, or persist indefinitely. For example, you may feel a tight throat once in a while and not that often, feel it off and on fairly regularly, or have a tight throat all the time.

    This feeling may precede, accompany, or follow an escalation of other anxiety sensations and symptoms, or occur by itself.

    This tight throat feeling can precede, accompany, or follow an episode of nervousness, anxiety, fear, and elevated stress, or occur out of the blue and for no apparent reason.

    This tight throat feeling can range in intensity from barely noticeable, to moderate, to severe. It can also come in waves, where its strong one moment and barely noticeable the next.

    What Is Globus Sensation And What Causes It

    Globus sensation is the term used when a person has the feeling of a lump in the back of their throat when actually there is no lump present when the throat is examined. Globus sensation is sometimes called globus pharyngeus . It used to be called globus hystericus as it was previously thought that globus sensation was due to a psychiatric condition.

    The exact cause of globus sensation is basically not known. Some specialists believe that it is due to a problem with the co-ordination of the muscles involved in swallowing. Many muscles are involved in swallowing and they need to tense and relax in the correct sequence for swallowing to occur normally. In someone with globus sensation, when they try to swallow saliva, some of the swallowing muscles may not relax fully and so the sensation of a lump in the throat occurs. However, when food is swallowed, the food stimulates the muscles in a different way and normal muscle relaxation occurs.

    It is thought that reflux of acid from the stomach into the gullet may also contribute to the cause of globus sensation in some cases. The theory is that the stomach acid affects the relaxation of the muscles around the throat.

    In many people, stress can trigger globus sensation or make the symptoms worse so can being very tired. Having an excess of mucus running from the nose down into the back of the throat may also make the symptoms of globus sensation worse.

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    Avoid Singing From The Throat

    As mentioned above, different parts of the body contribute together to the production of voice. You need a clear understanding of the voice production process and know where to position your vocal source. This vocal placement is critical to your effective singing.

    Experts would advise you not to sing from your throat. They know well that the power behind your voice emanates from your breathing, supported by your diaphragm. They call the process of singing from your diaphragm, singing from your core. This lets your vocal cords relax, allowing your voice to resonate well from your chest towards your pharynx and face.

    How To Relax Your Muscles: Take The Next Step

    How to Relax Throat Muscles (And Sing Without Throat Tension)

    Tight muscles are not only a result of stress, they contribute to stress.

    But you can break the vicious cycle of stress and muscle tension by learning how to relax your muscles with the progressive muscle relaxation technique.

    Proven benefits of progressive muscle relaxation include the reduction of anxiety and panic, improved sleep, lowering of high blood pressure, and improved digestion.

    Use this muscle relaxation technique whenever you find yourself stuck in flight-or-fight mode and need to jump-start your bodys natural relaxation response.

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    How You Can Tell If You Are Suffering From Anxiety

    The easiest way to determine if you are suffering from anxiety-induced chest tightness is by ruling out any cardiac or lung-related disease. Only a physician can rule these out completely.

    A few signs can be helpful in determining if your chest tightness is cardiac-related. This is by no means an all-inclusive list. So, when in doubt, please visit your primary care physician. Generally, the following is more likely to be true of anxiety-related chest tightness and/or pressure:

    • It is less likely to radiate towards the back, arms, or shoulders.
    • It is more likely to occur with other anxiety symptoms.
    • It tends to last for less than 10 minutes.

    Again, having chest pain that abides by these suggestions does not rule out any cardiac or pulmonary causes. Also, women, diabetics, and the elderly often present with chest pain that is atypical of traditional cardiac chest tightness. So, if you belong to one of these groups and have new-onset chest pressure and/or tightness, it is best to see a physician first.

    Anxiety attacks have a peak time, and that tends to be when the chest pressure is at its worst. Cardiac chest pressure, on the other hand, is more likely to last longer than 15 minutes, radiate, not be relieved with the resolution of anxiety, and be associated with shortness of breath etc.

    Other Medical Uses For Progressive Muscle Relaxation

    Progressive muscle relaxation has been studied as an alternative therapy for cancer patients.

    Studies on breast cancer patients show that progressive muscle relaxation can help reduce nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy as well as the anxiety, depression, and insomnia that often accompany this disease.

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    Since stress slows down the digestive system, PMR is beneficial for numerous digestive orders including ulcers, colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

    When using PMR to treat any serious health condition, consider working with a health care professional who is trained in its use.

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    How To Relax Muscle Spasms In The Throat

    Muscle spasms in the throat are caused by an overly contracted cricopharyngeus muscle in the esophagus. Under normal conditions, this muscle remains in a contracted state until you swallow, and it then relaxes to let food or saliva pass through. An overly contracted cricopharyngeus muscle can cause sensations of choking or having something stuck in your throat, or even make it increasingly difficult for you to swallow food. Depending on the severity of the problem, there are several actions you can take to relax the muscles and relieve the uncomfortable sensation or inability to swallow.

    If you are experiencing serious medical symptoms, seek emergency treatment immediately.

    Reduce stress and anxiety. The most common known causes or aggravators of cricopharyngeus spasm include anxiety, stress, fatigue and fear. And the sensation caused by the muscle spasms in the throat tend to heighten these feelings more. If you’ve been diagnosed with cricopharyngeus spasm, however, you have no reason to fear a more serious disease or not being able to breath. One of the easiest ways to relax the cricopharyngeus muscle is to stop worrying about the sensation in itself, it will not hinder your breathing or cause you anything other than discomfort.

    Get an injection of Botox into the cricopharyngeus muscle if you’ve been diagnosed with cricopharyngeus dysfunction. Botox reduces tonacity in muscles.


    How Does Tension Develop

    How to Relax Throat Muscles When You Have Anxiety  Health ...

    Throat tension when speaking generally happens for two reasons:

    • when there is too much muscle work or physical effort in the systems of respiration, phonation and resonance
    • when there are too many muscles working at the same time, even if they are not required to work for that given vocal task.

    For many people who complain about throat tightness, the problem is in their hyoid bone and the larynx being too high. The hyoid bone is a U-shaped bone in your neck right under the chin and your larynx is basically your voice box that houses your vocal folds. The larynx is suspended from the hyoid bone so when the hyoid bone is too high, your larynx is too high too.

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    Research On Voice And Sad

    A 2014 study found that in an experimental condition that made people with SAD feel excluded, they subsequently showed decreased vocal confidence, in contrast to those without SAD.

    Therefore, if you have a diagnosis of social anxiety disorder, be sensitive to your own reactions to rejection. Do you drop to a low mumble if you feel rejected? If so, you will need to be extra vigilant to be aware of that tendency and to draw on the new skills you have learned when your anxiety is triggered.

    Exercise 2 Abdominal Breathing

    • Sit comfortably in a chair and place your hands on your tummy.
    • Blow out sharply, as if blowing up a balloon. As you blow out, your tummy and hands should move in.
    • Your shoulders and upper chest should be still and relaxed. At the end of the breath out, relax your tummy it should expand naturally, allowing your lungs to re-inflate.
    • When you feel comfortable with this technique, produce a soft /sss/ sound on the out-breath.

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