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HomeCauseCan Anxiety Cause White Tongue

Can Anxiety Cause White Tongue

Can Anxiety Really Affect Your Tongue

What Causes White Tongue? â Dr.Berg on Oral Candidiasis

Definitely. Anxiety can cause physical reactions all over your body. Your tongue is a matrix of muscles with lots of nerve endings and taste buds. Its a sensitive organ built to taste, touch, and move with precision.

Think of all the ways your tongue has to respond in daily life. Every time you speak, swallow, cough, yell, or sing, your tongue reacts differently. When you think of it like this, its not surprising that your tongue would have a noticeable reaction when you feel anxious.

When Your Tongue Turns White: Could It Be Thrush Or Something Else Entirely

The appearance of your tongue can be an indicator of your overall health. A normal, healthy tongue is pink and covered with papillae . If your tongue looks different than this, it may mean something is out of balance in your mouth or even systemically .

The appearance of a white tongue is a common symptom of several oral conditions, and commonly indicates the presence of oral thrush.

This article discusses conditions sometimes mistaken for oral thrush, along with causes and prevention.

Verywell / Jessica Olah

While a white tongue often indicates thrush, it can be a sign of another condition. Several oral conditions have similar symptoms to thrush, causing them to sometimes be mistaken for thrush.

Below are conditions that may be mistaken for thrush.

Why Does Your Tongue Feel Dry

Does your tongue feel weird and dry? If so, your mouth is telling you that your entire body is dehydrated. When youre not hydrating properly, your body starts to conserve the fluid it has, which results in decreased saliva production. This is why you can have an unpleasantly dry tongue. The solution? Hydrate immediately and ensure youre getting at least six to eight cups of water per day . Seek a doctor immediately if your dry tongue is accompanied by vomiting, fever, and diarrhea.

If you know youre hydrating properly and youre still experiencing a dry tongue, some causes might include infection, side effects from medication, chemotherapy, or hormonal changes. If none of these apply to you, check with your doctor.

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What Is White Tongue Primary Causes + Risk Factors

A healthy tongue is pink and covered with papillae, small nodules that are on the surface of the tongue and have a rough texture. When your tongue appears white, that means food debris, bacteria and dead cells have been lodged between inflamed papillae. White tongue is usually harmless and only temporary, but it can also be an indication of an infection or some serious conditions.

White tongue may be caused by the following factors:

  • spicy food, such as habanero and jalapeno peppers
  • congenital heart disease in adults

The most common cause of white tongue is dehydration or dry mouth, which is a breeding ground for bacteria. In fact, if you dont diligently brush your tongue and teeth at least twice a day, you increase your risk of developing white tongue.

White tongue is often due to an overgrowth of candida, a fungus that causes yeast infections or oral thrush. Its actually perfectly normal for the fungus candida to live in your mouth, but when it accumulates, it can spread to the roof of the mouth, gums, tongue, tonsils and back of the throat creating white tongue, white lesions, redness and even bleeding. Aside from white tongue, other candida symptoms include chronic fatigue, skin and nail fungal infections, and brain fog.

When To Seek Medical Attention

THIS is what a white tongue says about your health! Very few people ...

White tongue is not generally a sign of serious health problems. However, if it doesnt resolve itself, youll want to consult with a healthcare professional.

Seek medical attention right away if you experience any of these serious health issues:

  • Your tongue is burning.
  • Your white tongue doesnt go away after two weeks.
  • Youre experiencing fever, rash, or unexplained weight loss.
  • There are open sores in your mouth.
  • It hurts to chew, swallow, or talk.

If you want a biological dentists unique perspective on your white tongue, schedule an appointment with Rejuvenation Dentistry in NYC. Weve got years of experience treating oral conditions with non-invasive natural methods and cutting-edge wellness technology.

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Natural Treatments For White Tongue

By Christine Ruggeri, CHHC

Did you know that the tongue is one of the strongest muscles in the body? Its actually the most sensitive place for our sense of touch, and it allows us to talk, taste food and swallow. Plus, according to the principles of traditional Chinese medicine, the tongue plays an important role in determining and treatment health conditions. For that reason, white tongue can be viewed as a warning sign of a possible health issue, likeoral thrush or poor oral hygiene.

There are simple, natural remedies that get rid of white tongue, get rid of bad breath and boost your oral health.

What Causes A Hairy Tongue

A fuzzy, or hairy, feeling tongue can be triggered by a variety of reasons . Typically you experience a fuzzy tongue because the filiform papillae on your tongue arent shedding as often as they should. Like skin cells, FP have a growth cycle that requires them to eventually shed over time. If youre experiencing a hairy tongue, the FP are growing taller rather than shedding, and as a result, might look like hair and feels downy. There are a variety of reasons why your hairy tongue might be occurring, including excessive use of alcohol, overconsumption of tea and coffee, tobacco use, poor oral hygiene, dehydration, and use of certain medications.

The good news is your fuzzy tongue is often only temporary and usually isnt a sign of a more serious problem. Simply swap out your bad habits, like smoking and overdrinking, and keep up a consistent oral hygiene routine, including brushing and flossing regularly. Decrease your tea and coffee consumption, and ask your doctor if its okay to stop using the medicine you suspect might be causing hairy tongue.

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Who Can Get Thrush And Is It Contagious

While thrush can affect anyone, babies under 1 month old, toddlers, older adults and people with weakened immune systems are at more risk. Thrush in the esophagus is one of the more common infections in people with HIV/AIDS.

Thrush can be contagious to those at risk . In healthy people, its unusual for it to be passed on through kissing or other close contacts. In most cases, thrush isnt considered particularly contagious but it can be transmitted.

If youre worried about getting thrush from another person who has it, avoid coming into contact with their saliva . Its smart to wash your hands as often as possible if youre near someone who has thrush.

When Should You See A Doctor For A White Tongue

3 Reasons Why Your Tongue Is White

In most cases, having a white coating on the tongue is harmless. It usually resolves with self-care steps, such as using a toothbrush or tongue scraper to clean it and drinking plenty of water.

Make an appointment with your doctor for a white tongue when it is causing concern or when:

  • The white coating persists for several weeks.

  • There are white patches throughout the mouth.

  • You have a condition or take medicine that weakens your immune system.

  • You have trouble eating, swallowing or talking.

  • Your tongue is painful, burning or itchy.

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Why Does It Feel Like I Have A Burning Tongue

If your tongue feels like you burned it with piping hot pizza, it might be from burning mouth syndrome . This can happen as a result of nutritional deficiencies, a dry mouth, medication effects, or mouth irritation like eating a piping hot pizza!

Solutions? Ensure youre properly hydrated and make sure youre eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet. Talk to your doctor if you have side effects due to medications you are taking and be aware of your oral hygiene habits, so youre taking good care of your mouth.

When To See A Doctor If You Think Youre Dehydrated

If youre mildly dehydrated, drinking plenty of fluids might be enough to treat your symptoms. If drinking fluids doesnt make you feel better, its a good idea to seek medical treatment. You should also seek medical treatment if your baby or toddler is dehydrated.

Medical emergency

  • not brushing your teeth frequently
  • eating too much sugar

Poor oral hygiene can lead to the bumps on your tongue becoming inflamed and swollen. Food particles, microbes, and dead cells can stick to these inflamed bumps and make them appear white.

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How Can Thrush Be Prevented

You can do these things to help you avoid a case of thrush:

  • Follow good oral hygiene practices: Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss at least once a day.
  • Avoid certain mouthwashes or sprays: These products can destroy the normal balance of microorganisms in your mouth. Talk to your dentist or doctor about which ones are safe to use.
  • See your dentist regularly: This is especially important if you have diabetes or wear dentures.
  • Limit the amount of sugar and yeast-containing foods you eat: Foods such as bread, beer and wine encourage Candida growth.
  • If you smoke, QUIT! Ask your doctor about ways to help you kick the habit.

Last reviewed by a Cleveland Clinic medical professional on 10/22/2019.


What Typically Causes A White Tongue

Why Do I Have a White Tongue? Your Body

Just like all white tongues don’t look exactly the same, white tongues aren’t always caused by the same thing, either. “There are a variety of reasons why you may have white lesions on your tongue, and they can range from something fairly benign and common to more serious and potentially dangerous,” Michael Nguyen, DDS, a board-certified periodontist with Mid-Peninsula Dental Specialists in Los Altos, California, tells Health.

For the most part, a white tongue occurs when bacteria, food, and dead skin cells get trapped between the papillae on your tongue’s surface. That causes those papillaenormally small and string-liketo swell up, causing a white appearance on your tongue. Sometimes, those papillae can grow large enough to give off a brown or blackish appearance, according to Brigham and Woman’s Hospital’s Division of Oral Medicine and Dentistry. That buildup on the tongue, per Brigham and Women’s, is largely asymptomatic and can be remedied through oral health and dietary interventions .

But there could be other causes behind a white tongue as well. Here are six more reasons your tongue could have a whitish appearanceand how best to remedy each one.

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What Does It Mean When You Have A White Tongue

Your tongue is covered with papillae, and that is what helps you distinguish between tastes. If you have a white coating on the entire tongue, itâs likely due to inflamed papillae caused by a buildup of bacteria, debris, fungus, and dead cells.

In general, this problem isnât the result of an illness itâs caused by dryness of the mouth, dehydration, excessive alcohol consumption, smoking, and poor oral hygiene. Most often, itâs due to a bacterial infection. For instance, it can be Candida, a fungus which causes yeast infections or oral thrush. Other times, the problem can be more serious, where a white coating on the tongue happens when youâre sick.

In cases of an infection like scarlet fever, you may have a white tongue with red spots. Sometimes, a white tongue and a sore throat may be due to strep throat. Other possible infections include a chronic autoimmune disorder called oral lichen planus, or bacterial infections such as syphilis or periodontal disease. A white tongue may also be a sign of a pre-cancerous condition called leukoplakia, a geographic tongue, and HIV/AIDS.

How Can I Shrink My Tongue

Coblation, use of radiofrequency energy and saline may be used to shrink and tighten muscle and tissue near the back of the tongue. This surgery is also performed while the patient is under anesthesia. The surgery results in a permanent reduction in tongue size and does not affect the surrounding areas.

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How To Stop Your Tongue From Twitching Or Tingling From Anxiety

A twitching or tingling tongue is a sign of a larger underlying problem. If anxiety is at the root of these odd sensations, you have many options for addressing them. You may want to consult your healthcare provider to rule out anything more serious. But the following is a list of ways you can safely reduce your stress and anxiety, lessening the impact on your tongue and mouth.

How Do You Treat A White Tongue

Can oral contact lead to white coating on tongue? – Dr. Aniruddha KB

A white tongue may or may not require treatment. In many cases, it will go away on its own within a few weeks. When an infection or other medical condition is responsible, treating it will help resolve the white tongue. Treatments may include:

  • Antibiotics for bacterial infections, such as penicillin for syphilis

  • Antifungal medicines, such as nystatin and fluconazole , which come in various forms including tablets, lozenges and a liquid you swish and swallow

  • Antiviral drugs, such as famciclovir and valacyclovir

  • Topical medications, such as corticosteroid sprays or washes for rashes and podophyllin or retinoic acid for leukoplakia

  • Surgery for mouth cancer

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Treat The Underlying Anxiety

Talk therapy – Anxiety is one of the most common mental health conditions in adults and children. You may benefit from a short period of talk therapy. Or join a support group to get support and learn how others address triggers and symptoms.

Anxiety medication – You may find that medication helps you manage your symptoms as well. Many people handle their anxiety without medication, but it can be another support.

Common Descriptions Of The Dry Mouth Anxiety Symptom Include:

  • Your mouth feels unusually dry.
  • Youve noticed you dont have as much saliva as you normally would.
  • You find it hard to swallow because of a lack of saliva.
  • Your tongue feels dry or sticky.
  • Youve been diagnosed with xerostomia or reduced salivation.
  • You are suddenly having problems with bad breath.
  • You are having difficulty chewing, speaking, and swallowing.
  • Your tongue suddenly looks grooved.
  • Youve experienced a sudden change in taste.
  • You are suddenly having problems wearing your dentures.
  • You notice that your lipstick is sticking to your teeth.
  • You have difficulty chewing and swallowing food due to a lack of saliva.
  • You have so little saliva that you cant even spit.

Dry mouth can occur rarely, frequently, or persist 24/7 day after day.

It can precede, accompany, or follow an escalation of other anxiety symptoms or occur by itself.

The dry mouth anxiety symptom can precede, accompany, or follow an episode of nervousness, anxiety, and stress or occur “out of the blue” for no apparent reason.

Dry mouth can range in intensity from slight, to moderate, to severe.

This symptom can change from day to day, moment to moment, or remain as a constant backdrop to your struggle with anxiety disorder.

All of the above combinations and variations are common.

To see if anxiety might be playing a role in your symptoms, rate your level of anxiety using our free one-minute instant results Anxiety Test, Anxiety Disorder Test, or Hyperstimulation Test.

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Can Anxiety Make My Tongue Feel Funny

Anxiety can make you feel a lot of weird sensations in your body, including your tongue. If youre having an anxiety attack, or you suffer from chronic anxiety, you might experience numbness or a tingling sensation on your tongue. You might even think your tongue feels swollen. Anxiety does not cause the tongue to swell, but it does make you feel more aware of your body, and in the middle of an anxiety attack, these tongue symptoms can seem more pronounced and concerning. As with other parts of the body, stress changes how the body functions and your tongue is no exception.

The solution? Find soothing and calming techniques, such as deep breathing, to calm and restore your body. If your anxiety symptoms do not subside, contact your doctor right away.

Scalloped Tongue: Causes And Treatment

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Scalloped tongue gets its name from wavy or rippled edges that appear along the sides of a person’s tongue. A scalloped tongue usually isn’t a reason to worry, but its potential causes can lead to further complications and additional symptoms that can affect your dental health, if not treated. The presence of a scalloped tongue may also help diagnose certain medical conditions and identify bad oral habits.

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Indications Of Other Illnesses

While conditions involving a white tongue are often harmless in and of themselves, they can be more common in people with other underlying health conditions. If you have any of these conditions, even if they aren’t a problem on their own, it’s a good idea to see your healthcare provider for a checkup.

Conditions Linked To A White Tongue

A few conditions are linked to white tongue, including:

Leukoplakia:This condition causes white patches to form on the inside of your cheeks, along your gums, and sometimes on your tongue. You can get leukoplakia if you smoke or chew tobacco. Excess alcohol use is another cause. The white patches are usually harmless. But in rare cases, leukoplakia can develop into oral cancer.

Oral lichen planus: With this condition, a problem with your immune system causes white patches to form in your mouth and on your tongue. Along with the white tongue, your gums may be sore. You might also have sores along the inside lining of your mouth.

Oral thrush: This is an infection of the mouth caused by Candida yeast. Youre more likely to get oral thrush if you have diabetes, a weakened immune system from a condition like HIV or AIDS, an iron or vitamin B deficiency, or if you wear dentures.

Syphilis: This sexually transmitted infection can cause sores in your mouth. If syphilis isnt treated, white patches called syphilitic leukoplakia can form on your tongue.

Other conditions that may cause white tongue include:

  • geographic tongue, or missing patches of papillae on your tongue that look like islands on a map
  • medicines such as antibiotics, which can cause a yeast infection in your mouth
  • mouth or tongue cancer

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